2r-studio Pricing Plans
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[bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″][bt_header headline=”Our Pricing Plans” headline_size=”small” subheadline=”Bring great design ideas to completion with affordable pricing plans.”][/bt_header][/bt_column][/bt_row]
Single Render
If you need 1 Render (2/3 Renders)
- 2-5days turnaround for each image
- Two (2) revisions are allowed.
- Post-production
- Full-time 7/24 support
- No matter whether the renders are interior or exterior
- No difference in Price
Extra FREE RENDERS3D Modeling RefinementsDirect chat via Whatsapp
BULK Render
4 Renders and more …
- 1-2days turnaround for each image
- Two (2) revisions are allowed.
- Post-production
- Full-time 7/24 support
- No matter whether the renders are interior, exterior, or from different projects.
- No difference in Price
- 3D Modeling Refinements
Direct chat via Whatsapp
Annual Partnership
Unlimited Amount of Renders for a YEAR!
- 1-2days turnaround for each image
- NO LIMITATION in revisions
- Post-production
- Full-time 7/24 support
- No matter whether the renders are interior, exterior, or from different projects.
- FIXED PRICE for the whole year.
- 3D Modeling Refinements
- Direct chat via Whatsapp
[bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″][bt_header headline=”Working Process” headline_size=”small” subheadline=”The experience of working with 2r is unique and remarkable.”][/bt_header][/bt_column][/bt_row][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”inherit” animation=”animate animate-fadein animate-moveleft” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_service icon=”e6b9″ url=”” headline=”Step 1″ text=”First of all, we need to understand the client’s goals, ideas, and project expectations. As much data the client provides will help us to create great images. No matter you have the 3D model of your projects or not, we will help you to bring your ideas to life.”][/bt_service][/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”inherit” animation=”animate animate-fadein” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_service icon=”e6af” url=”” headline=”Step 2″ text=”We will deliver a set of clay renders, showing our camera angle choices and a general lighting direction. From here is important for the client to choose the views that they prefer and we will also be on hand to advise.”][/bt_service][/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/3″ align=”inherit” animation=”animate animate-fadein animate-moveright” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_service icon=”e629″ url=”” headline=”Step 3″ text=”Upon selecting the preferred views, we will produce low-resolution colored drafts for the client’s review. And then we move on to high-resolution renders, finishing with post-production.”][/bt_service][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section]
[bt_section layout=”boxed” spaced=”spaced” skin=”inherit” full_screen=”no” ghost=”no” scroll_info=”no” scroll_info_text=”” divider=”yes” back_image=”4782″ parallax=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/2″ align=”right” animation=”animate animate-fadein animate-moveright” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″ align=”center” animation=”animate animate-fadein” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_image image=”” size=”max-width:600px;” el_class=”” el_style=”max-width:300px;”][/bt_image][/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/2″ align=”left” animation=”animate animate-fadein animate-moveleft” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_header headline=”Why Bulk Rendering?” headline_size=”small” subheadline=”It is affordable in terms of TIME and PRICE”][/bt_header][bt_text]
There are many clients which are looking for someone or a studio to take more than 2, or 3 renders and in a short timeline. Some clients need to upgrade their portfolios and websites. And some are seeking to win their marketing goals…
[/bt_text][bt_button text=”FREE Quote” url=”mailto: in**@2r*******.net” style=”hollow” size=”big” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_button][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section]
[bt_section layout=”boxed” spaced=”spaced” skin=”inherit” full_screen=”no” ghost=”no” scroll_info=”no” scroll_info_text=”” divider=”yes” back_image=”4795″ parallax=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/2″ align=”right” animation=”animate animate-fadein animate-moveright” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_header headline=”Why 2r-studio?” headline_size=”small” subheadline=”A small studio with big capabilities”][/bt_header][bt_text]
2r-studio is an award winning architectural visualization agency with an experienced team specialized in producing high-quality renderings for international clients in short periods of time and with an affordable rate in the global market.
Our main objective is to create breathtaking visualizations and establish long-lasting relationships with our clients that are built upon mutual trust.
[/bt_text][bt_button text=”Portfolio” url=”https://2r-studio.net/portfolio2r/” style=”hollow” size=”big” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_button][/bt_column][bt_column width=”1/2″ align=”inherit” animation=”animate animate-fadein animate-moveleft” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_image image=”” size=”max-width:600px;” el_class=”” el_style=”max-width:300px;”][/bt_image][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section]
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[bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″ align=”center” animation=”animate animate-movedown” el_class=”” el_style=””][bt_service icon=”f20e” url=”” headline=”We’d love to hear from You!” text=”The best and the most comfortable way is to send us an Email. Just click the button below to contact us.”][/bt_service][bt_button text=”For all new project inquiries email us:” url=”mailto: in**@2r*******.net” style=”hollow” size=”big” el_class=”” el_style=””][/bt_button][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section]